Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Dancing Heather

I really wish I danced like this. I guess I'm getting there, considering I've only been in ballroom dance for a year and a few months. These are BYU dancers. They're performing a waltz.

And this is what I actually dance like. I'm in the red top and black skirt, dancing with Glenn in the red vest. I start out in the lower right. The video quality is lacking, I know... I guess Mom was distracted by us dancing when she took it.

***It appears that for some reason, this video isn't working. I give up.

Also, what girl wouldn't want to do ballroom when she gets to wear such pretty dresses?

Anyway, just thought I'd fill you guys in on this new part of my life.

1 comment:

Crunchymamma said...

Hey Heather, it's me Erica, your sister! :) Anyhow check out my blog and make me your friend!