Thursday, January 3, 2008

In which all my friends get married

So, the first wedding this break was Brittney and Craig. Their reception was SO AMAZING. I have honestly never liked a reception so much. For those who don't know, Brittney was my dance teacher last year and now is my friend.

Brittney and Craig

Brittney and her dad

The second wedding was Katie and Jeff.
For those who don't know, Katie was my apartment-mate from July to December. We were really good friends. She's a dancer and a Math Ed. major like me.

Katie at the bridal shower I threw for her (we were playing a memory game)

Katie and Jeff

And the other weddings are Summer and Andy (Summer used to be my apartment-mate), but they had no reception here, and Judd and whoever he's marrying (I will go to their reception on Saturday--oh, and Judd was my dance teacher this semester).

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