Friday, May 27, 2011

In the mean time...milk.

Ok, first of all, I am going to post pictures of the wedding and everything, but right now I drew this cartoon. So here it is.

My husband is lactose intolerant.
Therefore, we have two types of milk in our fridge. For him we have this delicious almond milk, and for me we have regular, boring milk.
I am supposed to drink the regular, boring milk. So most of the time I do.
But...sometimes I rebel and drink his milk. This is, of course, unapproved behavior.
Which is why I can only do it when he isn't around. Muahaha.
Anyway, I'm starting to think I should buy him some more. Or maybe just don't buy regular milk anymore.

The end.

Friday, May 13, 2011

This post is for Nikki :)

Hey guys,
We're on our honeymoon! Nikki asked if we saw any good candy to tell her because she might have us pick her up some. Here's the stuff I thought was pretty cool. I might end up buying some peppermint toads. I tried to include the prices on all the pictures but if you're confused just ask me :) Anyway you can see it's all expensive but it's pretty legit! Let me know if you want anything, tomorrow is my last day there (I require reimbursement of course!)
Oh yeah and the first thing is not candy it's a Zonko's joke but I still liked it. Everything else here is candy/sweets.