Saturday, October 22, 2011

Harry Potter...the last movie

Being a fanatical Harry Potter fan, of course I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter. Chris and I went to the Scera to see it. I like midnight showings there because everybody's so crazy and excited. Chris didn't get there till almost 11pm because of work but I was there at 9 or so. I made butterbeer for us and we snuck it into the theater. We drank it in our butterbeer mugs from Harry Potter World (in Florida) with dry ice so it was "smoking." Some random girl across the aisle pointed at Chris (who was on the end of our row and highly visible) and said "Look! He's drinking something glorious!" which made me happy inside. The theater workers definitely saw us drinking it and didn't stop us. I think they're a bit lax on Harry Potter midnight showing nights. They probably don't usually let people run around casting spells at each other prior to the movie either. Or have costume contests. Or a countdown. Man, I love Harry Potter and I love Harry Potter fans.

This is the only picture we got that night, and unfortunately it's blurry and you can't even see my Hufflepuff badge. Oh well, I'm sure I'll dress up like this again in my life.

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