The reason is that our apartment flooded last week and everything got kind of stacked on everything else and as much as possible was moved into the kitchen while the carpets dried. And now it doesn't even matter because we are MOVING!
You see, our apartment has some lovely black mold in the bathroom and we think it is making us sick. I was in the hospital last week... not fun, and Chris gets headaches and stuff. So we're moving out some time within the next week probably. Which is exciting, because I'm pretty sick and I don't think I have the energy to pack boxes or anything. Yay.
Yeah for better living conditions and boo cause you and Chris haven't been feeling well. Where are you moving to?
Oh no! Flooding! Sickness! Moving! CRAZY.
We moved like 5 blocks east of where we are now, and 1 block north. The new apartment is super nice and way big, but also a fair amount more expensive.
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