Solution: post pictures of other people's kids. Yes! This is me holding my nephew Jonah this past April. I love this picture because it shows I love him! :)
So what have I been doing lately? I'll tell you.
1) Dance! As always. First competition with my new partner, Ben, this coming Saturday! We're not ready! Also, I'm on the ballroom team at school now, so that takes a little time. And I'm in gold 2 standard. And I'm still doing my tap company. Fun stuff... keeps me active.
2) School. Oh, the daily grind. I always have so much homework... and I constantly feel behind in everything! But I am doing all right and I will graduate with a Master's in Math Education some time this coming summer.
3) Teaching. AHHHHHH!!!! It stresses me out, yet I love it.
4) Social Dance Club. I'm the president of an on campus club. For some reason, I like to take responsibilities upon myself that I can't really handle. But it's okay... I like the club :)
5) Nursery. In my ward I'm not the longest standing nursery leader. Which means I'm the one who knows what to do! And I am in charge. Of everything. :D They're great kids though, I love them so much! By the way, several of the kids I have in nursery now weren't born when I got called into nursery. I find that amusing.
6) Maintaining a long distance relationship. 5 months ago I started dating Chris even though we live an 8 hour drive away. He's supposed to move here soon, though!