For Father's Day, most of us kids (and grandkids) went to Mom and Dad's for a cookout - except those of us who were out of town. It was way fun, and I mostly tailed Jake and Elly around so I could get pictures of them. By the way, Dad, if you're reading this, I'm glad you're my father and you've taught me a lot of things! For example, when I was little, you let me do logic puzzles with you, and taught me pretty advanced deduction for a kid my age. And now I'm a master's student in Math Education... go figure.
So without further ado... the pictures!

Amy made the dessert. "Burger" cupcakes and "french fry" cookies! It was delicious.
Jake obviously agrees with me. Yum, yum!
Jake found some stuff in Grandma's garden... a baby carrot (which he ate) ...
...and a worm, which nobody ate.
Then, Grandma took the kids on a wheelbarrow ride. They loved it, and so did she... can you see that big smile on her face?
Even though Jake and Elly have a full sized trampoline at home, they thought this one was great to jump on. Haha.
I took Jake and Elly outside to do sidewalk chalk. Elly actually made lines and circles. I was impressed! Jake made lines, scribbles, and squares.
As you can see, it looked awesome! I did help a bit, by the way. Hahaha.