I haven't blogged in a wayyy long time. Anyway, there's a bunch of people living with me right now... and I love them all :)
Mom and Dad bought a house as an investment/for me to live in, and then Alif got a job in UT and so he, Nikki, and Justin came and lived in the house too. And Keith ("kaytch") is here too and so there's 5 of us, plus Maddie, in the house... it's fun!

Also, I've been student teaching. It's pretty exhausting but kind of fun, and it means I'm
this close to having my bachelor's degree! I'm also teaching ballroom dance to 1st-3rd graders at Spring Creek Elementary and tap dance at a studio in Payson.
My latest project has been fixing all my music, cause it got all weird when my computer broke and Alif reformatted the HD for me. I have some stuff missing, and double of some things, and so I'm organizing it. About 5 hours into it, it looks like I'm 1/3 of the way done.
General Conference was great!!!! We played Conference Bingo which really helped us all pay attention.

What you do is you listen to conference and if you hear a word (or sometimes if they were talking about it without saying the word) you put a piece on that thing on the bingo card (you all have different cards... there are 12 on the about.com web site) and then when you get bingo you get a piece of candy. We started over every two talks or so. We also colored during conference, which is a conference tradition for me. I have a collection of coloring books just for that specific purpose. Anyway, I learned a lot. I still need to watch the 2nd Saturday session (we TiVod it), but I will.
One more thing: Halloween is coming soon!!! What are you going to dress up as?